
PostgreSQL Development

Building advanced Databases with the latest versions of feature-rich PostgreSQL that helps businesses manage their data efficiently.


Top PostgreSQL App Development Company

We use PostgreSQL to successfully build databases with the competence to handle multifarious data streams with high security and authenticity. Being an Open-Source platform, Postgres is easy to use, understand and work with. Our developers are adept in working with the entire sphere of systems associated with this amazing object-relational database management system.

PostgreSQL has been in the industry from 1986 and we take pride in telling you that some of our developers have been working with it for a long time. They have an absolute understanding of the PostgreSQL along with being up to the date with its latest developments. We provide out and out services for PostgreSQL database development, starting from the designing to upgrading and everything in between. We offer state of the art database development that is best suited to bring your business to better heights.

While curating bespoke solutions we take care of the performance tuning, data loads, indexing, data storage, retrieval, concurrency, and extensibility of your solution. With the right understanding of all the platforms, we ensure that you work in an innovative environment with the latest database technologies embedded in the system. PostgreSQL is also ACID compliant which means that you will get a seamless workflow without the loss of data and any form of miscommunication.

As the best PostgreSQL development company, we have helped several startups and organizations leverage from this RDBMS’s advanced and business-friendly development ecosystem. Since it is an open-source platform, the solution developed with PostgreSQL is cost-effective. The documents are saved in three different formats, JSON, XML, and Key-value that is secured by the modern-day and multi-factor authentications.

Our Range of PostgreSQL Development Services

PostgreSQL Development

Our PostgreSQL DBMS development procedures culminate into an unmatched data management set-up and architecture that support your business administration and accelerates growth.

Business Intelligence

For a better outcome, we customise every component of the system to give highly accurate reporting. The business intelligence systems we incorporate in your DBMS give an unabated system analysis.

PostgreSQL Tuning

In order to homogenise the database, we configure the DBMS for appropriate recovery interval, parallelism, latency, Input/Output, and task queries to enhance the performance.

PostgreSQL Management

As the top PostgreSQL software development company, we provide agile management services along with ensuring that you have a robust data handling mechanism to support your business.

PostgreSQL Consultation

Our expert Database Architects and developers can deliver trustworthy and reliable advice with regards to your DBMS and associated applications.

PostgreSQL Database Migration

Maintaining databases and updating them as needed is challenging, however, our expert database architects can help you upgrade to the latest configuration of both hardware and software.

Our Development Process


Knowing is half the battle won, it is true. Discovery is all about knowing what you want from your product. The motive, vision, objective and everything else. We sit down with you, take out a pen and paper, understand your requirements. This is the first building block of a successful project.


Design and Prototyping involve creating a raw sketch of the product and analysing the flow. Starting with wireframing that helps understand the functions to designing the screens and understanding how an app will fuse together, this step is all about enhancing User Experience.


This is where the awesome and award-winning development team at Mobmaxime brings an idea to life. Since we use Xamarin to do the coding, we can create agile and scalable solutions in much less time than others.


Deployment is also tricky. With different stores and platforms having multiple guidelines, we help you come out of this cobweb and streamline the whole process. While this makes things easier for you, we create an environment of accessibility and approachability for your users.


After deployment, the development cycle renews. Rest assured that we have the resources to maintain your product and ensure its authenticity and integrity in the market.

Industry We serve

Real Estate

Our Past Work

List of excellent PostgreSQL Development Work that we have crafted in various Development.



In our vision to create a thriving community of engaged parents making better parenting decision, school comes first. Because no other influences are more important in the upbringing of a child, than those from their parents and teachers

Bloomz is a place where parents feel more connected than they ever have to their children’s world. And Teachers have more time than ever before, because they have everything they need, in one simple-to-use tool.


Live Score TV

The Live Soccer TV app is a comprehensive soccer/football TV guide offering the World Cup 2018 match schedules, official broadcasters and streaming services available globally. The Live Soccer TV app offers you live scores, stats, match commentaries, news, tables and match kick-off alerts.



MeetApp’s comprehensive agenda gives participants access to the latest event schedule at their fingertips. Add images, videos, maps and links to relevant information. Break out agenda items into parallel tracks, add session evaluations and more!

Deliver information such as speakers, sponsors and venue information. Include presentation documents, images, videos, embedded web pages and more! Information can quickly and efficiently be created, grouped into folders and linked to agenda items. Participant centric information capabilities.



We help those who are looking to buy used cars from a private party in the Dallas/Fort Worth area to avoid used car dealers and find the perfect fit by making private car sales safer and easier than it’s ever been! With the dealership out of the equation, you can sit back, relax, and find the perfect used car on your own, saving money at the same time! Safely buy used cars with us today!

Before you buy used cars, you want to know that the used car you are looking at will pass a smog test, as all states require emissions testing for vehicle registration. With the optional UcarOK connector and a smartphone, you can see if the used car will pass emissions testing even BEFORE buying!

Other Services We Provide

Case studies

Let’s check out our different projects case-studies of varied industries that successfully developed by our Expert.

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Best Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) Mobile App for UAE.

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Abu Dhabi Housing Authority

Abu Dhabi Housing Authority Provide Best Housing for the Emirate’s Citizens.

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The Only Application You’ll Need for Financial Transactions in UAE.

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Handy app to manage money transactions with friends, roommates.

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Live Soccer TV

Develop Best Online Streaming App Development Company.

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To promote economic diversification in investments adding value to Qatar.​

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Our time-tested and innovative approaches provide a bespoke solution to all the database management needs.

Mobmaxime will offer you a great team of developers who are super-friendly and intelligent. Wanna know them? Why don’t you give us a call?

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This is a question that will need hours of discussion and comparing these technologies is also not relevant as both have their unique set of properties. With this in mind, we can tell you that PostgreSQL is an open-source and feature-rich database, whereas MySQL is a web developer database. Irrespective of these comparisons, you can trust us to ideate and create solutions with any type of DBMS.

Setting the cost before understanding your specific requirements and needs is not possible. Hence, to give you an estimate, we need to first sit together with you, understand your business, the kind, scale, and extent of the solution.

Well, as a top PostgreSQL software development company and as a team, we are working for the last 7 years in this field. But, our team of developers and database architects have more than 15 years of experience in this technology.

Sure, why not. It is our basic procedure to ask our clients about signing an NDA wherein we ascertain that your project information will be kept completely confidential.