
Handy app to manage money transactions with friends, roommates. Transfer money to the account through the app.

About iBank

Handy app to manage money transactions with friends, roommate. Transfer money to the account through the app.

We also wanted to figure out a way to save better and more efficiently. We would plan trips and friends would say they couldn’t go, but then at the last minute for fear of missing out (FOMO is a very real thing) they would put the trip on a high interest rate credit card. If they would have saved a bit more and thought ahead of time, the trip would have in the long run, cost them far less. Our thinking was how do we figure out a way for our friends to save pennies at a time without thinking about it so that over time, those pennies turned into an amount that could afford them a fun adventure. During and after that adventure, how do we preserve those memories in the form of financial transactions. After even more peaceful conversations and early nights, we came up with a plan that we thought had some legs to it and boom!!!………iBank was born.

Here at iBank we don’t care how you feel, how you think, or what you believe in. We believe that you should do you each and every day of your life. If iBank can help in that day-to-day life, then great. If not, we still love you and we wish you the best.

We are iBank, and we want YOU to be FRIENDS with your money!!!


Connect Any Bank

Connect any bank account or credit card to see all your accounts in one place..


Build Memories with Friends

Associate photos with transactions to build memories with friends..


Tag Friends

Tag friends in your transactions (friends CANNOT see your financial data) and see how much you spend with them..


User Profile

Edit and Update your profile with your picture, Tagline, and Bank details..


Project Description

iBank is personal money management designed for your life, with a social twist.


Do you want to build a financial based mobile app? Let's Discuss!

We have years of experience developing multi-platform software for Mobile, Web, Wearables, and Connected Platforms.

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