The Future of Cross-Platform Development: Will Dart and Flutter Lead the Way?

By Dharmik Patel Last Updated 30 Days Ago 8 Minutes Read App Development 0
Smart Entrepreneurs

Cross-platform development allows you to build a single mobile application for several operating systems. These applications use a single codebase shared across different platforms, which saves time and effort, that is otherwise directed towards writing a different codebase for every platform.

The developers write the code in a single language, such as JavaScript, Dart, Kotlin, etc. This codebase is then compiled to run natively on different mobile platforms. In the USA alone, the mobile app market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.8% by 2030.

Within cross-platform mobile app development, the names Flutter and Dart take centerstage. The innovative approach and capabilities, coupled with the fact that Google and Flutter build Dart, have a top-notch SDK, making developing awesome applications with this combo the default.

Let’s understand how Flutter and Dart are the best cross-platform app development technologies.

The Introduction and Rise of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

To understand the future impact of technology, we must first know its history along with the impact it can have on the audience. So, let’s go back to the time when the concept of cross-platform development was laid down.

The concept of cross-platform development was introduced back in the 2000s. However, the first frameworks and tools to execute this form of development emerged between 2005 and 2006.

Initially, the idea of a single codebase for an app that runs on different platforms was met with skepticism. However, as the mobile app industry grew larger, the need to build cost-efficient apps became more clear.

Here’s a timeline of the events unfolding in cross-platform app development;

Year Milestone or Achievement
2006 PhoneGap was launched as a web container for mobile applications.
2008 Appcelerator Titanium, based on JavaScript, launches as a cross-platform framework.
2010 RhoMobile, a multi-platform development embedded with web technologies, has been launched.
2011 Cordova comes to the market as an open-source successor to PhoneGap.
2013 Facebook releases React Native with JavaScript and React (a JS library to build user interfaces).
2015 Google released Dart and Flutter. Dart is a programming language, and Flutter is a UI platform based on Dart for building user interfaces.
2017 Flutter 1.0 is the first stable release of this framework, and this is the point at which Flutter starts to gain some traction within the development community.
2018 Flutter takes the top spot among the developers as the framework focuses on performance and has a rich library of UI widgets.
2019 Flutter 1.2 has come out and brought new features and a lot of improvements, including web support.
2021 At the Google I/O event, the tech giant released Flutter 2.0 with enhancements in web compatibility.
2024 As the cross-platform development system continues to improve, Dart and Flutter are considered the top contenders.

Dart and Flutter have risen to the occasion, granting ease of use to the developers and streamlining the app development process. Dart is easy to learn and understand, making it suitable for UI development. On the other hand, Flutter is an open-source UI framework with a modular structure allowing developers to replace and remove layers.

Why are Flutter and Dart Gaining Popularity?

dart usage statistics


Dart, as a programming language, has a negligible market share wherein less than 1% of the digital solutions are built with this language. On the StackOverflow Survey 2023, Dart has a 6.02% percentage of votes in terms of popularity, a list topped by JavaScript.



However, that does not reflect the true potential of this programming language. Worldover, Dart is used extensively in the United States, the UK, and India.

Flutter, on the other hand, has a much bigger usage share than Dart. More than 52000 live websites are built on Flutter. In the same StackOverflow Survey of 2023, 9.12% of the respondents like to work with Flutter.

flutter usage statistics


Flutter and Dart’s rise in usage and popularity can be accounted for by the different benefits they bring to the table. Here are a few reasons:

1. Native-Like Experiences and Performance

  • Flutter compiles the code directly to native ARM or x86 machine code, which you won’t find on other platforms. Due to this, the animations are smoother, rendering is fast, and the overall user experience matches that of a native application.
  • With Flutter, you will get a wide range of customizable widgets related directly to native UI elements on Android, iOS, and other platforms. Using this, any Flutter app development company can create applications whose interface and functionality align with the platform’s native design language.

2. Cost Reduction and Faster Development Cycle

  • A single codebase for Android, iOS, and other platforms means there is no need to write the code separately. This saves time and effort, which translates to cost savings. Moreover, with a single codebase, you can launch the product quickly in the market with faster iterations.
  • Flutter has a hot reload feature, which means developers can see the code changes reflected in the application instantly. There is no need to restart the app every time the codebase changes, which significantly speeds up the development process.

3. Productive and Advanced Development Cycle

  • Dart is a clean, object-oriented programming language with a similar syntax to JavaScript and Java. This means developers who understand these two languages can learn to work with Dart quickly. Moreover, Dart has additional features like garbage collection and strong typing to prevent errors and improve code maintainability.
  • In addition to Dart’s capabilities, developers working with Flutter can use a wide range of libraries, plugins, and tools to build bespoke applications. Using these, the developers can include features and functionalities to improve overall user experience.

4. Simplified Maintenance and Wider Reach

  • Imagine maintaining a separate codebase for Android and iOS as compared to maintaining a single codebase for all sorts of applications. Every update, bug fix, or new feature can be addressed once and reflected in all the applicable platforms.
  • With reduced maintenance times, a cross-platform app development company working on the solution can have better consistency. Collaboration is smooth, along with extensive knowledge sharing with experts in each platform pitching in with new ideas.

The Future of Cross-Platform Development with Dart and Flutter

Dart and Flutter offer a unique combination that other frameworks with a similar purpose fail to provide. Let’s see how;

  • How Dart is Relevant for the Future?

    Dart is a full-fledged object-oriented programming language boasting a clean and concise syntax. These properties make working with Dart easier and help build maintainable code.

    The programming language by Google is meant to build an impressive user interface that is laser-focused on improving the user experience. Features like garbage collection and strong typing prevent run-time errors and code stability, which takes care of the performance and other crucial aspects like smooth UI rendering.

    Everything related to Dart is built to deliver a memorable user experience. From ancient times till today and in the future, improving customer experience will be the key motive of every company. With Dart and Flutter working together to help you achieve this, the future seems bright.

  • How is Flutter Relevant for the Future?

    Now coming to Flutter, a UI construction technology, that uses a myriad of customizable widgets to map to native UI elements on Android and iOS. As a result, the developers can create applications that look and feel seamless while connecting with the platform’s native design language.

Growing Industry Adoption of Flutter and Dart

Recognizing the importance and capabilities of these two technologies, here are a few prominent organizations using them;

  • Alibaba is using Flutter for the Xianyu application, which is a popular second-hand marketplace.
  • Google uses Flutter for the Google Ads platform, clearly showing its capabilities in handling complex operations.
  • eBay is also using Flutter for a few mobile features, demonstrating the technology’s capability to scale and adapt.

The combination of a modern and UI-focused programming language with a performance-ready widget framework offers a unique combination for cross-platform app development.

Integration of Advanced Technologies

Advanced technologies like the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning are further turning the tide in cross-platform mobile app development. Using these technologies, learned and experienced developers can create applications that not only work with a wide range of platforms and devices, they can also add new capabilities.

Due to this large-scale integration, the market value of cross-platform app development is expected to cross $546 billion by 2033. So, any organization looking to save costs and deliver enhanced user experiences to its customers must work with the top Flutter app development company to launch an application for different platforms.

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Are You Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level?

Cross-platform app development is a business-friendly approach that allows a single mobile solution to be built for various platforms. As the mobile app development landscape is constantly evolving, the cross-platform concept will play a vital role in checking the costs while ensuring top performance.

With Dart and Flutter proving to be an effective combination, the modernity of Dart and the performance of Flutter can be used to build business-centric applications.

When you are looking for a Flutter app development company, choose Mobmaxime. We are a leading Flutter and Dart app development company offering affordable prices.

A single meeting with our team will be enough to understand what we bring to the table and how we can help you take your business to the next level.

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