10 Expert-Recommended Strategies for Improving ChatGPT’s SEO

By Rakesh Limbasiya Last Updated 343 Days Ago 12 Minutes Read Marketing 1
Smart Entrepreneurs

Artificial Intelligence has an unlimited scope, and one of the best examples of its potential is ChatGPT. We can use ChatGPT for SEO as an AI tool to create more proficient and target-ready strategies. In addition to this, ChatGPT can also be used for SEO-friendly website development and for creating SEO-friendly content.

By using ChatGPT for search engine optimization purposes, you can get pre-verified responses from an AI that sources its information from millions of relevant pages. Using this tool, any SEO professional can create robust strategies and campaigns specifically for their client’s business. It helps save money and time, which is otherwise spent on using a myriad of tools to create the same strategy.

ChatGPT is making a lot of things for researchers, professionals, students, and everyone else a lot easier and affordable. Let’s find out 10 fantastic ways you can employ ChatGPT for SEO.

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How ChatGPT is Great for SEO?

ChatGPT is a research and analysis tool that shares information and converses with the users. This conversation part and the depth of research make ChatGPT compete with search engines like Google.

Good SEO requires a mix of several strategies and concepts. One of them is NLP or Natural Language Processing. NLP is pivotal for content optimization for any SEO campaign. Using the right words in the content means better visibility and higher ranking. The reason being these words help Google and other search engines identify the page’s intent.

With this information, they find more value in your page than the ones who don’t have the NLP terms. ChatGPT is powered by AI, which means it’s smart and efficient. The answers and responses it generates are near-perfect. Using ChatGPT also helps generate content ideas relevant to your target audience.

But ChatGPT needs to be fed with the right prompts to provide the best ideas. You need to specify your target audience and motive for writing content. ChatGPT analyzes the search queries and provides content ideas based on the information it receives.

For effective SEO results leading to higher organic visibility and rankings, you need to create optimized content consistently. Search engines update their algorithms to provide useful and relevant information to their users. While indexing and crawling, Google will thoroughly look through the content and decide its value.

Content that is not optimized and does not provide any value is not ranked. Here you can use ChatGPT to create optimized content. Using this tool, you can create content briefs, gain information about your target audience, and learn about updated writing practices.

Moreover, ChatGPT can be used to create content for specific keywords and key phrases. The more specific content you write, the better it is for the readers. Moreover, you can use ChatGPT as a tool to write expert and authoritative content. Google will rank content that is more useful and relevant to its users.

Using ChatGPT, you can create content that is easier to rank for through smart SEO practices and optimized content.

10 Strategies for Improving ChatGPT SEO

Using ChatGPT for SEO is akin to cheating or using false practices, especially if you are wondering whether to employ it or not. Even the best SEO service providers might be using this AI tool because they are embracing the new way of working.

Simply put, you can streamline your tasks, generate better results, and learn a lot from such tools rather than boycotting them for the sake of maintaining integrity and originality. You can be original while still using ChatGPT for your work.

Here are 10 such methods;

  • Keyword Research

    Keywords for the basis of every SEO campaign, and choosing the right keywords for your client’s business is mission-critical. You can use ChatGPT to find better and more relevant keywords.

    A simple search query on this tool about related keywords to primary keywords will help you improve content targeting. The benefit here is that you will get to see words that might inspire you to think about your business in a different way.

    This can bring a new perspective, which means you can create content that is different from your competitors. However, you should not ask ChatGPT to create content from the same keywords, as not all your clients may be fans of AI-generated content.

    But you can surely use ChatGPT to get some inspiration and ideas about creating the best-fit content. The key here is to create unique content, and ChatGPT can be used here with the right prompts.

    In addition to this, you can also use ChatGPT to identify new trends in the market pertaining to your industry. Using this information, you can create new content, which will be relatively new but great for SEO purposes.

  • Content Creation with ChatGPT for SEO

    Again, we are not advertising using ChatGPT for generating content from scratch. However, you can use this tool to create content outlines and get new ideas. Just as you can get new related keywords, you can use ChatGPT to get new content ideas.

    When we talk about taking inspiration and ideas from ChatGPT, it includes taking cues and hints on how to write engaging content. The unique thing with ChatGPT is that it can take on the role of any type of creator.

    Whether you want it to write like a copywriter or an academic writer, it will use the precise words, tonality, and style to produce content like an expert. Use this feature as a learning curve for yourself, and then write accordingly.

    With ChatGPT, the results you get depend on the prompts. The more detailed the prompts, the better the results will be. To get better ideas, tell ChatGPT about the motive of the article and the target audience to get a tailored response.

  • Create SEO and Content Strategy

    ChatGPT is one of the best ways yet to build SEO and content strategies. The beauty of it is that you can get detailed plans or just outlines with ideas that you can work upon. Ultimately, ChatGPT is a reliable tool for getting a sense of what you need to do to execute an SEO strategy.

    However, there is one thing to look out for. Your competitors also have access to the same tool. They have the same target audience and maybe even the same goals. So, this is where you need to be innovative enough to build a unique identity.

    Understand that ChatGPT is an AI model, and it can source information from the web. So, whatever is available on the web, ChatGPT will present it to you in a simpler format. How you take this information and create an SEO strategy that brings results is still on you.

  • Content Optimization

    Editors spend a great deal of time optimizing the content and making it useful and valuable. This includes ticking all the boxes on the on-page SEO list. Even in SEO-friendly website development, optimizing the content with the right keywords, tonality, tags, etc., is required.

    Using ChatGPT for SEO here means asking the tool to weed out unreliable and invaluable information. You can also tell ChatGPT to highlight unsubstantiated claims and make the content readable, reliable, and authoritative.

    Here again, you need to feed ChatGPT with the right prompts and tell it exactly what you need. In your prompts, paste the text and ask the tool to help you optimize according to the preferences of your target audience, search engine preferences, search intent, etc.

    You can also use ChatGPT to optimize the content according to some selected keywords and phrases. Moreover, with the latest versions of ChatGPT, which can also read and understand images, you can ask it to provide alt texts, meta titles, and meta descriptions.

    For clients that ask you to use AI content-checking tools to ascertain that you are not providing AI content, use the same information to write unique content for your purposes.

    At the end of the day, content that reads well and is easy to understand gets more likes.

  •  Find FAQs and Subject-Related Questions to Answer

    You can also use ChatGPT for SEO to run trend analysis. You can find relevant questions related to your services or products, which people are asking. In Google, you will find the “People also Search for ” section. Google is asking you to cover these topics as well.

    But with ChatGPT, you can go one step further and get precise questions about your subject. You can ask ChatGPT to generate some FAQs people are asking about web designing for eCommerce.

    FAQs and Subject-Related Questions to Answer

    Using a single-line prompt, we were able to get 15 FAQs. Imagine the time you will have to spend otherwise searching on different websites and platforms to find the ideal questions. With this single prompt, you are saved hours of work and effort without compromising on the quality of work.

  • Understand the Search Intent

    For a content creator and SEO professional, knowing the intent behind a search is imminent to gain success. Success here means achieving the goals they are hoping to achieve with their strategies.

    You can use the AI chatbot to help you figure out the search intent, albeit get a greater understanding of the market. The key is to drill down and understand what a search is seeking.

    We have tools like Ahrefs and SEMRush helping strategies with identifying the search intent. These are;

    • Conversational
    • Transaction
    • Commercial

    Based on the intent, content is created and published. Understanding this is a goldmine for every SEO professional and content creator. Having this information, they can create befitting content that targets their specific pain points and helps with the right solution. As a result, the conversion rate increases.

  • Get Better Backlinking Opportunities

    Backlinks help drive pre-qualified traffic to a website, which is why they hold a special place in an SEO campaign. But to get the backlinks, especially from high DR and reputed websites, is a challenging task. But the good this is you can use ChatGPT to help you with this as well.

    You can ask ChatGPT to generate a backlink outreach email for you. In this, you can be as detail-oriented or as casual as you want; ChatGPT will provide a befitting response.

    Even better, ChatGPT will go one step beyond and help you write an email with the perfect tone. As a fun exercise, ask ChatGPT to write a backlink outreach email and ask it to sound desperate for some backlinks.

    The amazing AI tool won’t write an email where you sound desperate because it knows that doing so will hurt your credibility. So, it will suggest not taking this approach and will generate a better response that is more likely to garner attention. Great marketing is all about how personalized you can get with emails.

  • Proofread Content

    One of the most underrated ways to use ChatGPT for SEO is for proofreading. This is a great way for editors and publishers to quickly find out the typos and mistakes in the content before they are about to publish.

    Especially when you get content written by freelancers, checking it one last time is crucial to maintain the content quality on your platform. What you can do is feed in a sample excerpt of content existing on your website.

    Or you can ask ChatGPT to understand the writing guidelines you have set in your organization. Once the chatbot is familiar with the guidelines and understands your writing style, it can compare the proofreading content and suggest or make changes.

  • Regex or Regular Expressions

    One of the underestimated tools in an SEO professional’s hand is Regex. Before ChatGPT, it was not easy to find the information Regex can provide. Using Regex, you can find more complex information in search results via partial matching and case-insensitive searches, among others.

    You can use Regex with Google Search Console to access very specific information related to your services, market, and customers. With this, you can scan pages of search results and find relevant data for your collection easily.

    Google has shared a comprehensive guide to using Regex. But read ahead for a short tutorial. Say that you have a bakery and want to know how well your bakery shop locations on the North side of the city are functioning.

    You can use ChatGPT to search for specific information concerning these two locations. Using CSS code, you can instruct ChatGPT to find mentions of your bakery shops “north side, north-east side, upper north, lower north, etc.”

    Using this prompt, ChatGPT will search for the words you mention through millions of pages and get them together into a single regex. You can take this regex and find the keywords you should rank for with Google Search Console (GSC).

  • Generate Titles and Subtitles

    Let’s now move on to how ChatGPT can make a big difference in SEO campaigns by generating click-worthy titles. We are in an age where attracting customers toward your brand has become challenging.

    Having great titles is one of the ways SEO experts use to get clicks. If you feel stuck or are going through writer’s block, use ChatGPT to generate titles. You can also ask ChatGPT to write titles like a famous writer or blogger.


ChatGPT is a phenomenal tool, and when used in the right way, it can do wonders for your SEO campaigns and strategies. Using these pre-verified SEO strategies for ChatGPT, start implementing them to see a visible difference in the results. Not only this, you will experience a significant increase in the speed of your work.

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